miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Julio Mario Santodomingo Cultural Library

This new library was inaugurated on May 26th 2010. It is one of the biggest, newest and with the best technological advances in South America, it's composed by over 35 thousand volumes in which there is music, books, audiovisual material and an special emphasis on arts. You can come here and have a great time with your family or on your own. Also, is a great oportunity for the ones who live in different locations such as Suba and Usaquen. In addition to this, for the people who love to read and want to have a nice experience you can have your own BibloRed card. This is a new opportunity in which you can send a form on internet with your personal information and you can get your Library I.D. in less than two weeks! The most interesting thing about this personal card or I.D. is that with this card you can borrow books in any library which is operated by BibloRed.

In this library, as in many others you can have a great experience. They usually have events such as foreign performances or cultural plays; if there is no special event there are also many things you can do in or out from the library:

• You can consult.
• Borrow books for two weeks.
• Have your own I.D. card.
• An internet room.
• Sonoteca
• Ludoteca
• Videoteca
• Bebeteca
• And a room specifically for Bogota, in which you can find information about it's history and everything related to Bogota.

Although you can do many things inside the library it's surroundings are also very beautiful, you can spend a great time with your family or enjoy the place, take pictures and meet new people. 

This library being one of the most beautiful and interesting of all is a very important cultural place for the city. You should really consider on going and spending time on trying to get knowing this beautiful place and making every moment a nice one with family and friends.

By: Camila Vega 8B

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