miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Estación de la Sabana Museum

Have you ever gone to a train station that is also a museum? The estacion de la sabana is a great opportunity to see a train station that was also used formerly and nowadays is also used as a museum. It is located in la Calle 13 # 18-24 at downtown Bogotá. It is a good experience specially if you love antique cars.

As i have said before the museum la estación de la sabana is a train station, that is still working althought is no longer as crowded as it was before , and also is not in the same condition as before, People take the train from there to Zipaquira , Cajicá and Nemocón. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet better a train station and also to travel to the Catedral de sal and to the mine of Nemocón. At the inside of the museum is great because you'll find police cars that were used before and they're gorgeous , you could find cars from 1914 to 1962 and more.
Finally going to the Estación de la Sabana is the chance to make something different and to understand the differences of the transportation from before and now, and also you could enjoy an incredible time with your family travelling in train, also if you are really interested on watching cars it would be fascinating for you to see them. So you'd better go and have a nice time.

This was a kitchen.   Juanita Ahumada 8B

As you can see know the conditions are really really different.

 The rails of the trains.


Pictures were taken by: Mateo Ahumada.
Want to know more about the train station?:

By: Juanita Ahumada

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